Monday, March 15, 2004

Ha! wondered where this new angry Stuart had come from!

if you don't know what I'm talkin about have a look at Stu's blog.

he's tryin to be a dead american guy or somethin, which is cool cos then he's not tryin to be me (dream on stu!) and copyin things I say and do.

quite sweet really!

see y'all later!


Thursday, March 11, 2004

Oh yeah I forgot today I dyed my hair red.

kind of reddy-brown.

to see just how stupid I look come to the gig!

or if I can work out how to put pictures on the site then I'll do that too.

oh yes indeed...
Go on stu's padded cell!

fuck, i've driven him underground!

never mind, i guess a band blog was never gonna be enough for Stu. It's very late and I'm at work doing the crazy shifts that I do and there was loads I was going to write, but now it's all foggy...

Pearly News: Bill is back from New York alive and well I have heard his voice and everything, talk is under way to get the ball rolling on 'demo 3' (just a working title) with song suggestions being thrown around. looking to meet up on the weekend to sort this out as well as a set list for gossips 07/04/04 which will hopefully look diffferent to the set list the last time we played there!

anyway I want an e-flyer stu! but real life ones would be even better cos then i can stick them to lamp posts...

ok then, please someone email us (not one of our girlfriends), cos no one ever does, and it makes us look a bit silly.

later yeah?


Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Drummer Stu is in!

I thought it would be better for the band as a whole if I had my own outlet of verbal diaor whotsit, somewhere else. So its with a heavy heart drummer stu is leaving the band blog to move to pastures new at DRUMMER STUS PADDED CELL

Oh yes! As Brown pointed out, this is a band blog, and out of sheer boredom, I hijacked it for my own selfish reasons, and for this I am truly, truly sorry.

If you couldn't handle the truth, experience the rollercoaster with me here, and get off the ride, get a refund, because my friends, the ride is only just warming up!

.............AAAAND on a totally different note, preperations are going well for our massive comeback. Well, I spoke to Brown once for about three minutes to discuss a set list. So now we have to get to the next level. Call Bill. Then we can meet, then have a meeting about the meeting, then discuss the meeting about the meeting about the meeting, then two days before the gig, panic, rehearse for about half an hour and still be the best band on the planet!

Catch y'all later people at STU'S PADDED CELL!

Saturday, March 06, 2004

oh my God!

for those of you unaware of developments, Stu now has his own blog! you can access it by selecting 'contact' from the main Pearly menu. I'm sorry Stu, t'was not my intention to banish you from the pearly blog. if you want to vent your spleen on these pages please feel free to do so!

poor old stu hey? it's a hard life for a drummer, or so I'm told.

Pearly news: Bruce has emailed the band to say he intends to return to the fold in mid august, which seems a very long time away to me, so I guess I've got time to enjoy being the bass player and actually feeling useful for a change. Lead Guitarists are a bit silly aren't they? unless they're really good which I'm not so maybe i'll try and resist Bruce coming back so I can be the bass player, but then I guess the other guys would just kick me out...


Ah well, swings and roundabouts. you can read Bruce's Blog at I think. should be a link on the website really.

I'ld also like to take the oppurtunity to point out that it was Bruce who started us off on this Blogging thing, so he's the one to thank/blame delete as appropriate.

Anyway, this blog is a cold empty place without Stu, so guess I'll have to send him some flowers and try and woo him back. email us your thoughts, I think Stu understands how that works..?

ok then, later y'all.


Friday, March 05, 2004

Stu man, do you want your own page or something? we can call it 'Stu's Rants' or Stu's Bile' and you can just moan away to your hearts content? this is supposed to be a BLOG which is like a diary thing I think so write stuff about what you've been doing and that, yeah?

only joking mate, you can write what you like but some of it is frankly scary.

I just don't want people to get the wrong idea is all.

anyway, just to let you all know Bill is in New York at the mo when he comes back we shall be rehearsing a little just for the sake of it, not because we need to obviously! so comwe to the gig it will be good.

later, Brown.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Drummer Stu is in..

I've been watching the news, trying to find something to make me seethe like Saddam would being buggered in front of a mirror by George "The W is for Wanker" Bush."
Various subjects I have been toying with include Rainbows, Puppies, Rainbow Puppies, me giving up chocolate...again, Slagging off Disney for being really crap (but its too easy, and could probably be sued) and just as I was about to give up hope, that old stalwart, the Royal Family rear their ugly head to feed my anger.
Prince Harry inparticular. One word for that jumped up jug eared ginger twat......Ok, maybe more than one word, but they fit perfectly! It turns out he's in Africa to do some good deed or other. In this case stand next to some dying people, look at a camera and go "shit, he looks as though he's nearly dead, the guide said he'd last til the end of the shoot, sack him...oops, is he meant to be breathing or something?"


Apparantly, its been arranged by the palace to show the Royal Family in a good light. Sick bastards. If they want to show themselves in a good light, they should douse themselves in petrol and throw matches at each other, last one dead is the winner. Channel Five can film it, and I'm dead against sponsorship, but fuck it, Carling can sponsor it, they'll sponsor anything, and at least I can laugh my arse off while getting pissed.

Seriously though, how dare the Royal Family stage such photo oppurtunities... can you imagine the meetings?
"hmmmm, the opinion polls say that we're worthless parasites ma'am, what shall we do?"
"What are people dying of these days?"
"AIDS is still a major world threat ma'am"
"AIDS eh? Why not get the jug eared one to stand next to some darkies with this 'AIDS' thing"
"Charles, ma'am?"
"No fuck face the ginger twat one"

I love them, really, I do. What other family could be so racist, so inbred and so hypocritical, yet so insanely hilarious?!

"quit slagging of the royal family Stu" people say to me.
Well screw you. you like the royal family? Baaaaaa, fucking sheep all of you, you're probably all tory lovin', gun totin' homophobic, racist nobodies who have no friends outside your local Womens Institute.

Ha! I love this shit people! I'm only filled with so much hate, because my friends have responded so positively to it! If ever I needed an excuse to be rude!!!!

I know it has nothing to do with the music, just wait til the drummer writes some songs!!!!!!

Bill, Brown, join in, this is fun!

Aaaand I'm spent!

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Howdi Pearly people. Drummer Stu is in!

For all those people people wanting hate and bile, you're out of luck until tomorrow i'm afraid, I've been far too busy this week!Don't panic though (helen) I'll read a paper or something and I WILL be angry.

As the site hasn't been updated yet (grrrr...hurry up Andrew!) I'll have to lay out our plans here right now.
We are playing Gossips on Dean Street in Soho on Wednesday 7th April. We're headlining, so we have bands supporting US (hahahaha) which is very nice! Actually, they're all good. We're better, that's all. Nobody's fault.
We're gona get a flyer uploaded in the next week or so which will get you a whole pound (yep, ONE WHOLE POUND! go book that holiday...) of the admission.

Actually, one gripe (haha) I hate putting on the flyers £5 / £4 with flyer, coz it does us out of cash! The promoter always gets his share, but we..THE ARTIST, we get done! so, for our sakes, pay the full amount, we have rubbish jobs, we need that extra pound to fund our coke habits. £1.60 for a glass of Coke. Fucking rip off! If you don't, we'll track you down and gut you like the fish that you are. Remember that. But we love you guys...The fans, you're great

(if we had some fans, that might have offended them!)

I guess I should write about our recording and stuff, but I sense when I'm not wanted, so I'll leave one of the others to bore you with the details, in a more humourous way perhaps. Who knows?

Until I'm filled with Bile old chums, toodle pip.