Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Rock n Roll...

Or something like that! You know, being in a band isn't all playing loud music and getting drunk.....Well, ok it is, but there's also alot of boring stuff that goes along with it. like, Oh I don't know. It is a blast, I'm not going to lie.

Drummer Stu's about!

All the stuff that bands hate, like soundchecking, getting gigs, negotiating stuff, emailing and all that, I love! Its the sense of achievement at the end of it, whether it be confirming a gig, getting on compilation cd or whatever that makes it all worthwhile. The sense that you've worked towards something, and then seeing the fruits of your labour if you like.

It makes it all the sweeter knowing that you're in the best band in London, and that the ig pay off isn't a question of if, but when. I can only speak for myself in writing this, but when I first met Bill and Brown way back when, I felt an I don't know, that sounds gay! But when I heard the songs, I was genuinely knocked out. My first impressions were of these guys being totally passionate, and totally sure of future success, and being in a band with people like that carries your belief and confidence so much, that you become a force that commands the attention of a wider audience.

That's where we are now I think. We've done the groundwork, we've played some pretty good places, places that it takes other bands two or three years to get to, and we've done it within eight or so gigs. We are always talking about ways to push it to the next level, and slowly, I think we're getting there.

All it takes is a few people to tell their friends, make a copy of a cd, give that to their friends, their friends will do the same, and there you have it. No big secret, no masterplan. But this is work you have to do for the pay off.

I hear bands say all the time "We're not doing this for the money, we're just happy to be playing music for musics sake." PURLEASE! Bands like these are frauds. Oh we don't want to be successful, we don't want the money. Well guys, turn down the contract, donate the money to charity, do whatever you want, but please don't be hypocrites.

The refreshing thing about Pearly is that we are blatant in our mission to chase the contract. Hell, we want the money. We want to play music for a living. We're not a bloody charity! Yes, we love music, but we also want to be paid handsomely to do it. Is it so much to ask?

Long live Pearly!