Thursday, February 26, 2004

Drummer Stu checking in...and remember that anything I write is probably a complete fabrication of the truth as it may or may not stand... (the band told me to write that bit before they were abducted by dalmations)

Its also been bought to my attention that my use of exclamation marks is erm- how can we put it...excitable? I apologise folks, I'm now over it, and have started reading the Telegraph instead of Heat and have cut out cartoons from my viewing schedule. Next week I'm going to start gardening, and maybe knit a scarf for the cold snap that's upon us. Dominoes is also a good game.

On a more serious note, today is the 10th anniversary of the death of probably the best comedian that has ever lived. Bill Hicks is one of my heroes, and has been for too many years to remember.A speaker of the truth in a time when the truth was unacceptable, he shunned fame to stay true to himself. A man who never sold out, a man who died too young yet left a legacy that will be around for so much longer than most. 10 years after his tragic death, his material remains as relevent now as it did a decade ago. If I could accomplish half the things Bill Hcks had, I'd be satidfied.....But I'm a drummer, so....

Anyway, off to sleep now, the big weekend is upon us, and Mr Brown, let Battle commence! exclamation mark..
Brown's in.

Been a while since I wrote anything up here, but you know what it's been a while since we actually DID anything so that's the reason why! but those empty days of musical limbo are no longer upon us, and hopefully shall not return. Yesterday we had a kick-ass practise session in deepest Tottenham and tomorrow Pearly return to the studio to cut some new tracks.

Oh Yeah....

With Bruce still sunning himself in Australia I picked up a bass for the first time at a Pearly band practise and rocked like I have never rocked before! We sounded so good as a three-piece talk soon turned towards gigging without Bruce (you bounders! you cheats!), so keep an eye on the website for any news on that. I think stu has already got the ball rolling by contacting some promoters we played for last time so we'll see what happens there.

So is Bruce history? is this the end of Pearly as we know it? :-0! Probably not, cos I don't think I'm quite ready to give up my guitar hero wet-dreams just yet... but we can put on a fucking good show until he gets back!

Ha Ha!

So yeah, we're slowly beginning to feel like musicians again. If anyone wants a copy of the new songs we're going to do feel free to contact us through the website and we'll do our best to accommodate you. If we can be bothered and we like you.

On a completely different subject I'ld like to make it clear that Stu's views expressed in these pages are entirely his own, and do not represent the opinions of the group as a whole. I would also like to point out that he is the DRUMMER. I feel it important, if not essential, to remember this when reading anything he has decided to write. You can tell it's him cos he puts in loads of exclaimation marks and says things like 'We Rock!!!!' and generally gets a little over-excited.

Anyway, love to all supporters of pearly, and those of you waiting for it to all end in tears.


Tuesday, February 24, 2004

GOD I'M BORED! Its Stu, and I'm on a rant, so small children and dad look away now!

Fucking Heavy Metal.... Its shit, always has been shit (except for a couple of weeks back there in 1992, it was a blip) always will be. I had to endure not one, but two, count em TWO shit bands last night at work..... Apparantly, they are "New Kings Of Rock And Roll" Well Fuck me, is my thumb not on the pulse of Britain!

Now, if anyone has endured a band called Amen and 80's Matchbox B Line Disaster, and actually found it not displeasing to thine ear GET SOME FUCKING TASTE! There is absolutely NOTHING remotely endearing about either, and in three and a half torturous hours, I heard not one NOT ONE melody, hook, or anything that resembles music.

What I did see was a bunch of cocks, and a whole audience of pubescent teenagers "expressing themselves" by squeezing their zits over one another. Its not their fault bless them, infact, its rather embarrasing for them, as the whole sorry evening was recorded for TV, and yes they will watch it and think "Cooooool, I'm on TV," in maybe ooh, three months time they'll cringe with embarrassment and hide behind their sade albums, then they'll have cut their hair, and maybe be social workers... Hahahahahahahahahaha...Our future is in their hands!And they're all ugly and should be killed.. There we go, personal opinion and all that!

Other items on the rant agenda...
1. Bloody Thatcher
2. Stupid pointless 3 and a half fucking hours spent on a Tuesday afternoon doing a billion week long course arranged by work, that has absolutely no relevence to anything, and makes all us adults who are generally well balanced, regress back to nine year olds.

Apart from that, everythings grand. I'm off for a molatov cocktail, so until next time chums!

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Well, I thought it was about time that I put something up here, being the singer and all... I should probably start by saying that if you are reading this, and you are not a member of Pearly, you've probably found it through our brand spanking new web site. So it's a big thanks to Stu (and a friend of his) for actually getting off his arse and doing it. Personally, I think it's excellent but it is the first web site I've ever had anything to do with (That I am aware of, if my picture is elsewhere on the web, there's probably a very good explanation like I was young, I needed the money..) so I'm easily impressed.

Firstly, I must clear up any confusion about my name. My name is William Francis Adnams. When I was at school in lovely Hertfordshire people would call me Bill. When I went to university in lovely Tottenham I was bored with Bill and fancied a change so I started introducing myself as Will (Or even William!! Woah!). Hence, people know me as both but the band refer to my as Bill because Brown and Bruce have known me since school. Just thought I'd clear that up, other names that I may have used and their contexts include: Tony Vegas (Lounge Singer) [Band practice/Nights out], Brigadier Smythe [Nights out], Frank Adnams [Football Management Games]. Glad I had a chance to put that right.

Anyway, more importantly...

Bruce, you are only the 'Ex bass player' if you come back to England and don't want to be in the band... it's up to you sport. PS.Love to Kay, I'll e-mail you guys soon!

So yes, we are recording this coming Friday and I can't wait. I'm so excited that I've been writing down little reminders about ideas, such as 'Handclaps in the bridge', I can't think about it too much, I might pee myself. Yeah, so like, the er.. tracks we're like, 'laying down' are er.. 'Party Trick', 'Chromatic' and 'British Summertime (N18)' hopefully it'll be cool, it'll certainly rock more than the last demo... and everybody wants that don't they?

Will be on again soon, my internet cafe hour is up and I'm hungry.



Ok, well maybe thats a bit strong of me, we bounce along merrily humming a little ditty while bluebirds whistle in harmony.

As you may have gathered by now, we have our website up and running, and this is the bit where we can bang on about anything we want, BECAUSE WE CAN!

Forgive me if I seem a bit hyper, but I've spent all day couped up in a room barking at my friend who built the site "PUT THAT THERE" and "WHAT THE HELL'S THAT, YOU'RE RUBBISH" and "I'm Sorry." You know how it goes!

So its all go on the Pearly front. We are spending the coming weekend in the studio laying down some ideas, and coming up with some goods for you guys. Though we are without Bruce at the mo, its all good, we learnt all his parts in little more than ten minutes, and until he gets back, we'll be using a cut out Bruce to give the effect that we're a band! Brown however loves cut out Bruce a bit too much, and another one is being made as we speak.

I think I may be going on a bit now, so I'm signing off, but we'll write some stuff when we're recording, and we'll be taking loads of really "interesting" pictures of life in the studio.......

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

ex bass player disapointed at lack of band input sculks away un-satisfied.