New Recordings...
...are now up for your listening pleasure on the MySpace profile. All 3 of them compressed into MP3 format and displayed like rare butterflies on pins for your inspection and (we hope) delight.
We'd be most grateful for your feedback and comments!
Recording went very well I feel. A long but rewarding weekend got off to a bad start when I managed to sleep in with half the band's equipment in my car. I think I managed to get a bit more professional after that however and we finished what we set out to do with time to spare! I think we've managed to progress once more, and think these recordings stand up well against a mainstream release sound quality-wise. I still have a couple of gripes about the levels in some places (as I always do) but think overall that a good job was done!
Many thanks to Fill Ross at Mill Hill for working his magic and putting so much effort into making us sound good.
Being with the band is fun, hope you all like the recordings. Something different for you in any case!
We'd be most grateful for your feedback and comments!
Recording went very well I feel. A long but rewarding weekend got off to a bad start when I managed to sleep in with half the band's equipment in my car. I think I managed to get a bit more professional after that however and we finished what we set out to do with time to spare! I think we've managed to progress once more, and think these recordings stand up well against a mainstream release sound quality-wise. I still have a couple of gripes about the levels in some places (as I always do) but think overall that a good job was done!
Many thanks to Fill Ross at Mill Hill for working his magic and putting so much effort into making us sound good.
Being with the band is fun, hope you all like the recordings. Something different for you in any case!