Friday, February 09, 2007

Road ahead closed. (Can you help me with my amp?)

Hi all,

I had to drive down closed roads and round obstacles like a go-cart course! But I got there in the end, and escaped without a fine or a criminal record! (I hope, damn CCTV)

I enjoyed last night's gig at 93 feet east and thanks to everyone who realised that snow isn't really that big a deal, being frozen water and little else, and came along. I was the only person from my whole department who came into work yesterday! Except one other person who came in at 11.00 for a couple of hours. They all go on about traffic chaos in the media but the real truth is that English people look out the window, see snow, remember being a kid and the school being closed and feel they have divine right to go back to bed. The trains ran, the roads were fine, people are just slackers!

Anyway, so yeah good gig last night, very well played all. Loved Fleeing New York last night too, great set I thought. I also liked the strange looking middle-aged men who came and took their set lists after the show and looked like trainspotters. Set list collectors of up-and-coming bands, like maybe they came more for a piece of paper with song titles scribbled on in marker pen than for the actual set. Having said that, I picked up the drummers set list when I was clearing out at the end. Anyone wanna make me an offer for it?

Joke. It's a priceless memory.

Anyway, Joe's just sent me pictures via email but for some stupid reason I can't open them?! Or I can but then there's nothing there! Apparently Bruce is going to put them on the site soon so no big deal annoying though. Also annoyed that I forgot my camera last night. I think I just forget that I have a camera to be honest. I kind of feel like it's Melek's even though she bought it for me. I'm not good at accepting things...

Ok enough! Next up we have a date with a recording studio which will be fun! I'm debating whether to go back into London tomorrow night to see someone called Tiffany Page play in Islington. She has some good songs but might be a bit of an effort, I think she's playing on a Monday night at the Comedy soon, that might be better? Ah well, anything else worth going to see?

When are Happy Attack playing again? When is the trumpet player back from Peru or wherever he's gone? I might ask Dave...


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