Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Sneaking in...

I wanted to postpone this seeing as Bill has just posted, in order to spread these out a bit you see. But there you go, I'm posting I felt like it.

I had loads of things to say! Um... Went to Cambridge this weekend which was good if a little disorientating. Went to the Cambridge branch of Baroosh which we were going to play during the tour last year (afternoon acoustic session fact-fans) but it lost its music licence (if it ever had one) so we didn't.

A friend of a friend came over from Eindhoven, I hope he thinks it was worth it! We went out in Soho on Saturday night, highlight for me was the Swedish heavy metal bar underneath Frith Street that has to be about 15 foot by 20 foot at the most. They had some skulls and garlic vodka. I stuck to the Stella! Generally though I think Soho is a shit hole full of twats and tourists. Someone change my mind!

Anyway, so that was that. Tonight I am doing something I haven't done in a long time, probably since June. I am going to the Beehive pub quiz. I used to be the undefeated champion of this quiz (well, we lost once but only by like 2 points) but apparently it is really popular now (there used to be 3 or 4 teams usually!) so chances are we will get thumped.

Never mind, it will bring back memories; maybe good maybe bad.

Anyway I had a sore throat yesterday. Today it has gone! But I feel ill today and didn't feel ill yesterday, what can it mean?

Probably means it's fucking freezing today which it wasn't yesterday. Glad I'm not in Moscow, it's about minus 40 or something there or so I've heard. Fuck that, glad I don't live there I'd want to kill myself.

No wonder they're all alcoholics, it's the only thing keeping them alive I should think!

Anyway, was it worth writing this? Yes and no, no and yes.

What about the band? Well Bill's already told you about the meeting. I had sausages, they were quite nice, pork and leak. We're going to get our arses into gear with the gigs in random places (well random to us anyway), we think it'll do us good to get out and about.

It always seems to be the coldest part of the year that we decide to go to funny places to play. We're mad aren't we? Why the fuck don't we do it in the summer when people actually want to go out instead of hiding under a duvet with a hot water bottle and a mug of soup?

Maybe cos it's cold and crap we get motivated to go out and play to take our minds off of the monotony of our everyday lives, did you ever think of that?

Well did you?

Monday, January 23, 2006

‘So this is the new year’


We had a band meeting on Sunday minus Bruce ‘Da Funk’ Arnett who is snowboarding in a country with snow. It was good, as we discussed all manner of band related things while eating some nice pub food, drinking and watching Charlton draw with Chelski. Other than the general stuff, I guess the only thing of interest for anyone else would be.. T-shirts are coming soon!

We’ve been working on new songs, one of them is sounding great I think.. but as Brown said in rehearsal the other night ‘I don’t know how good this is as I have no reference point for this song’, which I think indicates the exciting point that we are getting to as a band and why we need more new songs so we can debase ourselves creatively thus debasing rock as it is required.

On a general note, music is a strange thing isn’t it? I often think that the media channels that have to interpret, rationalise and attempt to understand or label bands and artists don’t have an easy job at all. Personally, when trying to explain why something is better than something else, I find that I never do it justice. It always reminds me of the bit in the film D.A.R.Y.L (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088979/) where he says he likes one kind of ice cream rather than another because it tastes better, proving that he is more human than robot.
So yeah, we were reviewed by God is in the TV
(http://www.giittv.hypnotisingsilence.net/reviews/pearlydemo.htm) and it’s good, a fair, considered review which is refreshing. I’ll probably write something on the forum about it at some point and say cheers. Check out their website, it’s good and they put on gigs sometimes too.

Anyway, I’m going to a distinct lack of gigs in the next few weeks but I’m going to keep my eyes peeled for anything that looks good..


Thursday, January 12, 2006

Band practice tonight, last time I had cause to say those words Le Singer (as he's taken to calling himself recently) completely failed to turn up! Arguably my fault as I hadn't heard from him as he had been off work sick the days before and so wasn't aware that we had rehearsal.

Rehearsal without Bill was hilarious. It's nice to know that if any of us were ever going to get misguided ideas about going solo there's definitely no chance of that now! Poor old Phil who's putting us on at the Green Man happened to walk in whilst we were rehearsing.

"Still alright for the gig, guys?" he asked cheerfully.

"Oh yes", we replied heartily, "Only problem is that Bill has quit. He says he's had enough of us mucking around and not being able to play his songs the way he wants and so he's quit. We're going to do the gig as a 3 piece, that's alright isn't it?"

Phil surveyed the room and saw no evidence of Bill; no guitar, no amp, nothing. He stared at us. I don't think I've ever seen anyone look so simultaneously angry and confused.

Ha ha ha!

Oh dear, we came clean in the end when it looked as though he might have a hernia if we didn't. So the rumours of me and Stu swapping instruments for him to be the new front man were unfounded. At the moment anyway...

Other news; Alex has started promoting next year's Trimi's festival so keep your eyes peeled for news. Should be some stuff in the local press around London in the next couple of weeks. You can access the site through our links page, I'll put something up on the forum as well.

Everyone knows what they're doing so I don't need to do anything.

Ciao for now y'all

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Over the patience threshold there is endless calm.

This has becom my new 'mantra', I am using it to justify a range of questionable behaviour. I reckon it beats Nam Myoho Renge Kyo anyway; everytime I hear that now I want to scream.


Sorry, but this is how I feel. You see what I mean about questionable behaviour? The amazing thing is that everyone lets me get away with it; I don' t think I would.

They probably think I'm a lunatic anyway.

Well, I just mean to say that it seems to me recently that once you've lost patience, and with it your temper, everything seems so much better!

Anyway, what are you gonna do for the grand finale?

How about blow something up? Classic and unexpected at the same time.

How about set something on fire? How about jump?

Saturday, January 07, 2006

So tired, one week (well, four days) back at work has ruined me. At this point in time...

Oh well, I have some errands to run. I don't need to do them, but I think they'll make me feel better and will definitely make life a little easier over the next two days.

Hang on, let me turn the light on it's getting dark.

That's better. I have a bit of work to do too. I am making it in the world you see. I am going to pay my parents rent. I am going to move out. I am going to look around. I'm glad you can't leave comments on this blog.

Over the patience threshold there is endless calm, you see. It's this side of it you have to grit your teeth. Once you've crossed it you don't have to put up with anything anymore.

Tempting isn't it?

Remember not to drink, so you can easily leave.

However I can drag this out
And slip away unanounced
Speak to her on the phone
Whenever she gets home
I'd have waited for you
If I thought you wanted me to
If I thought that you needed me
I'd pull out completely

etc etc.

In joyful anticipation of an appropriate emotional response.

Better go before the shops close.