Thursday, March 30, 2006

La di dah...

Ahh, Happy Attack were brilliant last week. I've been pretty much in a consistently good mood since the gig! Thought Lorraine were alright too, but not as much fun as watching the Happy Attack massive watch Lorraine! Hero-worship of the highest order! Fucking excellent.

Hopefully they will be playing again on Sunday, if so I shall be there even if I'm on my own standing at the front with a big stupid grin on my face. I need one of the new yellow t-shirts as well...


So after that I went to Sheffield for the weekend which was really cool. Had a good time, saw some friendly faces and drank pints of Hoegarden that only cost £2! Good old student bars hey? It's just so easy to drink, then it was on to the turbo shandys...


Other than that not a lot has happened really. Stu came up to pick up his drum kit that has been in my house since Brum. Whilst searching for its myriad pieces I discovered that I also have Bill's guitar and amp! I had no idea they were there! It's lucky we haven't had a practice since cos I would have turned up without them and Bill would have had to do his Robert Plant bit...
We are practicing on Monday though (thank God) so hopefully I will remember to bring everything.

Other than that it's a bit quiet on the band front at the minute. Haven't got a gig til Easter. We are talking about recording again though which is always good! Hopefully in May/June sometime. Might do it over three days this time, we'll see how we feel.

On other matters I'm trying to arrange some holidays, want to go to Munich for the Oktoberfest this year - top priority! Also get in some camping action in Cornwall, plus maybe Ibiza, but I'm not too fussed about that really. Quite fancy going to Istanbul, not too sure why. Might disappear over there for a few days at some point.

Also I need to get myself north of the border again soon, maybe a road trip to the highlands this time...

Blah blah blah...

Spring has sprung, get some fresh air in your lungs! It seems like winter lasted forever, it was just so fucking cold all the time. It's still wet but it's much warmer and I feel so much better. I hate the fucking winter it is absolute gash.

Now I need to plan some fun things to do. Actually I have quite a few ideas, the best one starts with the letter O and ends with the letter T and has 8 letters. It's not Oktoberfest (too many letters), it is even better...

Details to follow if it comes off, Bruce you have to help me make this happen I cannae do it by myself!


Monday, March 20, 2006


Well, I had been holding my blog-fire (yes, I think that works) in order not to steal Billiam's thunder (I was forewarned that a post was imminent) but probably should have just let rip...

Well I wanted to talk about a few things, Bill's covered Birmingham so I'll leave that apart from to say I... (deep breath) had 6 sausages in our fave Brum pub (whose threshold other bands fear to cross) the Vine in Harbourne, beat Bill 2-1 at pool, ran around in the rain and cold in a fruitless search for batteries so we'd have light on stage which it turned out we didn't need, was crap at table football, didn't listen to much of the second band on principle cos they didn't listen to the first band (and I was looking for batteries) but liked their last song and had it in my head on Tuesday afternoon, was glad we had a curry at 1 in the morning, wasn't too bothered about having to drive, still have Stu's drum kit in my house, kept Stu up til 7.30 in the morning talking bollocks, drank vodka for the first time in ages (is it healthier than beer?), haven't had a drink since (diet), and thought the bass player in the first band looked like Nick from that great sitcom 'My Family' who was also in Love Actually and apparently went to college with Stu.

I learnt a lot of interesting things about Stu... ;-)

Anyway, before all that was the Buzz gig on Saturday 11th. Popped down to the Bull & Gate to catch Jamie's debut with his new band, he was a bit apprehensive before showtime as he had a bad sound check (leading me to ponder whether it is better to have a bad sound check or no sound check at all?) but predictably enough the gig went really well, I was very impressed with the Buzz; I am a fan! They are excellent and had some good tunes, I think it's impressive when you see a punk band play for half an hour and they manage not to fall into the trap of every song sounding the same cos they didn't. There was one I particularly liked but I don't know the name of it. I shall be attending their gigs in future should I be able to do so, and should I be in a position to drag people along with me.

Actually, just noticed that there next gig is on the same day as our next gig; Saturday 15th of April. Rubbish! But wait, what's this? They're going on stage at 4.30 pm? In the W10 area? Well we're going on stage about 8.00 pm in the W10 area! What are the chances of that hey?

So it's all down to see the Buzz in the afternoon and then off to rock Subterranean (or Neighbourhood or whatever it's called) in the evening then! Magic.

Next big event on the horizon is the Happy Attack gig at 93 Feet East in Brick Lane on Thursday; I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS GIG IT WILL BE FUCKING AMAZING. I have got my ticket and have succeeded in bullying the rest of the band to join me, Stu has never seen Happy Attack! Unbelievable, I hope he's prepared for what could be a life-changing experience. I will have a break from my detox to drink at this gig, and will probably (Ok, definitely) be drinking on Saturday in Sheffield as well. Although that's not Happy Attack related.

I really want to go to see them play in Coventry on Sunday, I might buy tickets and try and drag people to it on the way home from Sheffield. I could make myself quite unpopular with my Happy Attack obsession I'm beginning to realise...

They don't know what they're missing!

Anyway, we do have one new photo on the website! Unfortunately it's not a very flattering one and it is on the front page so we are getting a bit of stick for it on the forum. Cheers Dan and anonymous guest! No doubt we shall have a brand spanking new website soon with all sorts of exciting things on like VIDEOS! At the moment though, you'll have to put up with the same old stuff that's been there for ages.

What else? I had a dream that Ireland would beat England in the Rugby 40-21 so I put a tenner on it at 33-1 but I lost. Ireland did win though, but it only goes to show that you can't trust dreams.

YOU CAN'T TRUST DREAMS! I'm sure that was in an eighties movie somewhere, any ideas Bruce 'eighties knowledge' Arnett?

Worked out the difference between Paul Newman and Richard Dreyfus yet Bruce?

I'll give you a clue, one of them was in Jaws.
‘And they’re all going to bug city for the night!’

Billiam in the house of blog..

I think you’ll agree, Pearly rock, but they should update their blog more regularly.. so what’s been going on? Well, we had a wonderful excursion to Birmingham, and played the Flapper and Firkin. This was our second ever gig in Birmingham and organised entirely through that joy of websites: Myspace. These lovely ladies: invited us to play so we did and a good time was had by all. Special mentions need to go out to firstly my brother Tom who managed to get a whole load of people from his hockey club to ruin their Tuesdays at work by drinking on a Monday night and making up most of the crowd. It was cool to play well as when we played there on our tour last year, the bill was a bit shite (Crowded House kind of band, Death Metal band (s) then us.. good one!). There are actually some great pictures and chunks of video of the Monday night gig which should turn up soon as soon as I get the CD through the post. One of the videos includes some great drunken bollocks of a conversation with Stu talking about band influences and me being a twat.
I’m sure my band mates will add other details, well I’m not.. I’m sure Brown will post a blog soon.... but er.. we played 2 new ones Map of the Stars and Cognitive Learning. Map of the Stars was the best we have played it I reckon but I think we will be playing all the new ones again at the Neighbourhood gig so come on down!

New songs.. Mmmm.

Until next time.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hello world.

I've been meaning to write for a while, and now the urge has overwhelmed me to the point where fingers are moving (slowly) across a keyboard somewhere in the English countryside, a secret location like the bat cave.

Updates updates.

On Saturday (4th March) we had a photo session around Islington with Stu's friend the lovely Zarah. She was unbelievably patient and humoured us for nigh on 3 hours as we mucked around the streets until we got cold then went to the pub. Photos should therefore be appearing on the site soon.

Hard to get excited about us having our photos taken? It is isn't it? It's not very exciting but it has to be done (I have been nagging for a while, ironic as I have once more confirmed my status as least photogenic band member, a state of affairs I am more than happy with!).

Highlight was us standing next to loads of rubbish and Stu wearing a t-shirt with a teddy bear on it that we abused him for repeatedly. To the point where I almost felt bad about it, but then thought, 'fuck it, he's a grown man with a teddy bear t-shirt', and got over it.

I could probably post some up on this blog, but I'll leave you all in suspense. (Wooooo...)

So anyway, we played last night at Pop and I had a really good time! We debuted 3 songs (which all went well I thought, pushing the edge with some experimental shit which is a far sight more than anyone else was doing at Pop last night. Apart from this one solo guy who went into a crazy solo for like 3 minutes and almost fell over. He was crazy) and also I unveiled a new guitar which coped admirably with the rock-based demands I placed upon it during those tense, sweaty minutes.

We all felt like aliens, but we're used to that now. Well I know I am anyway.

I had decided to give up drinking on Sunday in order to try and lose weight, but only remembered this after I'd already had two pints of Kronenberg! I did repent after that though, I only had one more!

Oh yeah, and I made a friend on the tube who clocked my Happy Attack T-shirt and knows Dave from the band! That was cool, I was gutted I missed their show on Sunday but couldn't convince anyone to go with me and was knackered anyway...

It's all about the 23rd... I'm going to get some tickets and bully people into coming!

Everyone in the world has to stop whatever they're doing and get themselves to the Bull & Gate in Kentish Town on Saturday night to witness the unveiling of Jamie in his new band. It will be an event to be seen at with all the glitterati bound to be there. Me and Bill are gonna be there, and there might be a sneaky Stu sighting? Rumours remain unconfirmed. The mighty Jack from the short-lived but masterful Apologists is also mulling over making an appearance. There will be beer on the carpets and in glasses. It will be grand!

See you down there...!