Monday, October 27, 2003

We haven't forgotten you!

Brown's in, thought I'ld write some more stuff seeing as we (the band) are actually communicating again. Actually Bill hasn't been in touch for a while, but he really is very popular with the tourists (especially the eastern europeans), so I guess it's understandable.

So what have we been up to? well the pearly bandwaggon rumbles slowly on. I bought a car (little clio, shiny blue, opens by remote control I love it), so I'm zipping about the place as you do. I'm still working and having fun. Stu has a new job and is moving to the docklands (too cool for school our stu), having managed to put up with north london for roughly 4 months ( i think..). Bill has finally moved to east finchley and is much happier there. As we all become more settled talk has turned to the resumption of rehearsals (a pain, but a neccesary one), which we hope to start soon.

We were going to go on about our quest to find a new bass player up here, cos we thought it would be quite funny. However the only way we could make it funny was by being a bit personal about the wannabes and that wouldn't be appropriate cos they were all nice enough guys. Suffice to say no one set our little world on fire, and we'ld like Bruce to come back please!

in the meantime however we're looking into playing acoustic-style gigs which means we have to be a bit better at playing together, but will be able to play the sort of songs that we couldn't play as pearly mk 1 without sounding shit. so we'll keep you posted on that. we also need to be recording, but there's always a million things to do in this band.

we're getting there though. we probably need to talk about what we want on this Blog too, at the moment it's just my random rambling which is boring, but better than nothing! I guess it's basically a web site substitute, but none of us are computer literate enough to do that.

ok then, I'm off. I'll try and get one of the others to write something next time. Honest. It'll get more interesting as we go on...

take it easy,
