Tuesday, May 04, 2004

It's been a while....

Hi everyone, Brown has finally found time to grace the blog with yet more words of wisdom. Cat is writing her dissertation and I'm not at work so thought I could do something constructive like go to the gym, or annoy her which I've been doing most of the day. So now I thought I'ld write some stuff...

so yeah we played the Sound gig, which would have been great had we got on the stage about an hour and a half earlier! was itching to play but then had the will to live sucked out of me by waiting around while some other bands played a load of stuff which sounded just like the last song they played, and the one before that, and the one before that...

not that we can talk cos we never rehearse properly which is going to have to change! I don't think our songs all sound the same, but I could be wrong. I think it's cos there's loads (and I mean LOADS) of stuff we can't play due to limitations imposed upon us, mainly lack of stage time and partialy equipment. Also these days I guess personnel is a factor too! Come back Bruce, I never thought my bass playing was better than yours really...

hee hee hee!

so yeah, on more musical matters, bought a lap steel off ebay the other day, soundin pretty sweet too! So basically watch this space as I try and pull the other guys in a more country rock direction! I've been listenin to a lot of Neil Young and The Band recently you see. so the next demo will do will hopefully feature a bit of country flavour... you'll like it honest! I don't mean like Dolly Parton I mean like major chords, lap steel, and rough around the edges... more of a live feel I'ld like to capture. i always think our demos sound tracked to death which isn't really the case. That's why I really like Therapy from the original demo cos that was just one take of loosely rehearsed randomness which sounds great and raw. When Bruce comes back I'd like to try recording all playing together in the same room, which I think is how producers today are told NOT to record!

anyway, maybe that will happen, maybe not. Gig on saturday, which should be a laugh. Nice to get on early for a change, I hate all the waiting around! I always got to gigs and can't work out why the main act don't come on untill about three hours after the doors open, what do they do while we're all waitin for them to get on the stage hey? play board games maybe.

ok then, can't be bothered to write anymore, maybe will again in a month or so!Hope everyone is well, see you all at infinity...


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