Monday, January 15, 2007

Immediate plans

So far a good start to the year. My new plan is to get up early and go swimming before work. It's a good plan and it would make me feel better but winter holds me underneath the weight of short days and late daybreaks and it's a bugger getting out of bed in time for work never mind getting in a cold pool and swimming up and down and around. I do love a good new year's cliché, when is it summer again?

Well the new songs are sounding good. I don't usually listen to our recordings much but I've had the tracks from the last gig on at work and in the car loads. Really pleased with nights on the tiles, I think it's a great recording that does it justice and is fun to listen to! With the other songs it's interesting to hear the bits that worked really well and then the bits that we should do differently. It's great to be able to hear it back and think "ok, that works better than I thought" and also "hmm... don't do that again!"

I also think that we sound better live and I hate it when recordings really sound like they've been made in a studio and tracked bit by bit. It just never sounds the same as a live recording when everyone's playing together. The studio recordings might be 'better' by generally accepted standards of audio quality (or they might not, I'm guessing here), but I don't listen to them as much as I listen to recordings where the whole band are playing at once. Our band or any band.

So is 2007 the year of Pearly? Things are looking good so far with the gig offers coming in thick and fast. We are meeting tomorrow night to discuss where we want to play and what, when and where we're going to record (hopefully not 'if', I think we've agreed that bit..!). The plan at the moment is to have some stuff in the can and pressed for the Dublin Castle gig in March (fucking brilliant venue, always love playing there). Definitely do-able, I guess it depends on if we can get studio time in February and if we can agree on what we want to put down. Any thoughts?

So objectives for the year are to make a good recording (much better than the ones that have gone before), play lots of gigs and generally raise the profile of the band more. I shall be focusing more on the band and trying to maintain my concentration. I shall do one band-related thing every day! Luckily playing my guitar counts as a band-related thing.




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