Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My time is a piece of wax..’

So yeah, I am going to continue to talk about the band.. Ha! Ha! We have a gig on Saturday which we’re all looking forward to. I think this is for three reasons, firstly we don’t play many weekend gigs, secondly we should be off stage by 7:15 at the latest to celebrate Easter with a drink or 10 and lastly, our mate Jamie’s band The Buzz are also playing who are wicked.

We’ll be playing 3 new ones I reckon, with a few new bits added.. As far as really new songs go, there are a few I need to tape for the band, including one about Archway and some older ones to resurrect that only Brown remembers. I also have about 5 ideas that might be good that I need to sit down with for a few hours, one is the heaviest things I think I have written, with Queens of the Stone Age-esque verses and a Rage Against the Machine kind of riff.. well in my head anyway..

We’re seriously talking about recording again, I think we need to learn a couple more songs then we can choose the best ones. Queen Netti, recording and producing legend is even asking when we might be up for another round so the planets must be aligning…

I’m not going to say ‘watch this space!’ like Stu would, because we won’t shut up about it when we know what is going on..
Until next time.



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